Rebecca Henry and Phyllis Freeman share a lifetime of experience teaching at all levels and mentoring teachers around the world and have created thousands of videos and print materials organized sequentially to support your musical journey.
Beginners: ViolinPractice Method
Teachers: VP Pedagogy
Intermediate/Advanced Players: Technical and Artistic Development
VP Method is for beginners and includes pieces paired with warm ups, skills , review and performance practice for a comprehensive foundation. Students practice daily with an organized sequence of guided practice videos which encourages them to practice longer with greater efficiency and better results. Parents love VP Method!
Learn More About Our VP Method
VP Pedagogy is for teachers and provides detailed video demonstrations and explanations of pedagogical principles which are organized sequentially by topic. Choose from either VP Method Pedagogy or VP Pedagogy for Technical and Artistic Development.
Learn More About VP Pedagogy
Build technical and musical skills through a library of exercises and warm up videos organized sequentially by topic. Also included: Scales, Repertoire Practice and Intermediate Level Piano Accompaniments.
How Technical and Artistic Development works
See video examples from VP Method, VP Pedagogy, and Technical and Artistic Development.
Explore Our Approach
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